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Ways You Can Support

Make our mission a reality by supporting us. Whether you're an individual with a giving heart, a business looking to make a difference, or simply seeking to lend a helping hand, there's a perfect way for all to get involved.

There are variety of ways to donate. Monetary donations are accepted in cash, cheque or online via Canada Helps, Paypal or E-Transfer. You can also donate food, unwrapped toys, gifts, clothing, and essential items. Find more information on ways to donate.


Our team of volunteers make a difference in the community by sorting and packing hampers, lifting and carrying and other tasks as needed. We also need volunteers to help deliver the hampers to our many recipients.


Businesses and organizations can adopt a family to provide them with Christmas hamper that includes food, toys, gifts, and necessary items. Different sizes of family can be adopted.


If you know of a family that may need help, please reach out to one of the social agency. Find a full list of agencies that you can contact to advocate for a family.

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